The House of Bernarda Alba

by Federico García Lorca

directed by Owen Thompson

The Gallery Players - Brooklyn, NY


The Killing Fields

by Anya Pearson

directed by Dr. Martine Green-Rogers

assist. dramaturgy by Danielle Cavalier

SUNY New Paltz Theatre Dept. - New Paltz, NY


academic dramaturgy

listed below are academic dramaturgy projects

created spring 2021

under professor Dr. Martine Green-Rogers

Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare

“An age-old feud between two houses has been wreaking havoc in the city of Verona. Despite the animosity and danger, young star-crossed lovers Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet fall in love at first sight. Their secret love affair results in tragedy and strife, begging their families to reconsider the error of their ways.”

  • OBJECTIVE. Craft a study guide for a high school group coming to see the play of your choice (from the assigned plays for this class). This study guide may be done in a multimedia format or as a paper packet.

    Consider tone, readability, activities crafted for the students, and the information provided in the play.

    study guide.pdf

  • OBJECTIVE. Create an actor packet for a play of your choosing from the reading list for the semester. Use "Chapter One" from The Process of Dramaturgy as your guide to create this.

    Consider the thoroughness of addressing the various (applicable) aspects of the categories, while also keeping/culling the material into a manageable size that would help an actor through their process (30 pgs approx). This may be done as a website (or other online venue) or as a paper packet.

    actor packet website

  • OBJECTIVE. Craft a program note for a play of your choice (from the plays assigned in the class). The program note should be approximately 250 words and be for the same play as the actor packet.

    Consider the tone used, the correct length, appropriate use of grammar, and readability.

    program note.pdf

  • OBJECTIVE. Craft a post-show discussion or panel for your play that would last approximately 15-20 minutes (roughly 3-4 questions).

    If you decide to craft a panel, make sure you include the names of the people you would like on the panel and why you are including them.

    For both a post-show or a panel discussion, include the questions that you would ask the audience or the panel.

    post show q&a.pdf

Season Development Project

  • OBJECTIVE. Develop a mission statement for a hypothetical theatre company .

    mission statement.pdf

  • OBJECTIVE. Describe the type of theatre (it may be non-profit or commercial, amateur or professional; present classics, new plays, or reject plays entirely in favor of something else; take a particular political or aesthetic stance).

    who are we.pdf

  • OBJECTIVE. Create a full season of plays for the theatre company (4-5 plays) .

    Write a supporting proposal for the plays. This information needs to be anywhere from 2-7 sentences for EACH play explaining why the play fits with the theatre, the mission of the theatre, and the rest of the season.

    season proposal.pdf